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PP Two Compartment Split cup Bubble Tea Drink Twin Cup

item No: 700ml


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Bubble Tea Split Plastic Share Cups

It is Bubble Tea Plastic Share Cups. Bubble Tea Share Cups are perfect for sharing or drinking all by oneself. Imagine – two drinks split into one cup!

Have you ever had customers walk into your shop only to find themselves at a crossroads? They are just not able to decide which of their favorite flavor of Bubble Tea to order. The flavors all sound so delicious! They narrow their choices down to two but are still stuck. If only they could split their cup in half and try two flavors.

Bubble Tea Share Cups offer two flavors at once. For example, on one side, customers can enjoy fruit, green Thai tea, and milk. They can pair that with honey boba, strawberry hibiscus, and lime on the other side.

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